Detachment Year-end Summaries: |
Celebration of Life Honor Guard
A Marine's family was planning a celebration of life event and asked our local American Legion Post 293 for an honor guard to fold a flag for him that had been flown over the National Capitol and present it to his widow. The Post called out for volunteers and two of our members, Frank Holtz and Stirling Rasmussen answered the call.
Fire Truck Washing in Preparation for a Celebration of Life Event
A Loudoun County volunteer firefighter Trevor Brown, who was also a Marine, recently died on duty in the gas explosion of a Loudoun County home. A number of detachment members spent half the day prior to his celebration of life memorial event joining Sterling Volunteer Fire Department members in washing the fire trucks and emergency vehicles that would carry his coffin and his surviving family members in the celebration of life procession.
Detachment Wreath Laying at the Tomb of the Unknown
Our Commandant, Trish Manghelli, arranged to have the detachment do a wreath laying at this hallowed ground, and Trish, Albert, Rich, and Stirling did the honors.
After the wreath laying we went down the hill and joined the Potomac Young Marines at Commandant Lt. General Lejeune's grave where, as part of a short birthday ceremony, Albert read Lejeune's birthday message and all enjoyed the cup cakes that Trish brought in lieu of a cake to be cut (no knives allowed on the cemetery).
After the wreath laying we went down the hill and joined the Potomac Young Marines at Commandant Lt. General Lejeune's grave where, as part of a short birthday ceremony, Albert read Lejeune's birthday message and all enjoyed the cup cakes that Trish brought in lieu of a cake to be cut (no knives allowed on the cemetery).
Leesburg Kiwanis Halloween Parade
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall Washing
Some of our members joined the annual wall-washing and surrounding grounds cleanup crew at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.
Memorial Day 2023 Events
Honor Flight Color Guard
Honor Flights bringing in WWII, Korean War, and Vietnam War vets from other areas to tour DC area veterans memorials will be coming in on 14 September. To join us in welcoming them, contact us here.
The most recent one on 10 April has us as the color guard. We'll be doing this again on 14 September.
The most recent one on 10 April has us as the color guard. We'll be doing this again on 14 September.
Chariots of Honor 'drive-by' for a 100 Year Old WWII Vet
Detachment member Herbert Valle is one of the key organizers of Chariots of Honor. We joined the latest one.
Honor Flight Welcoming Activity
Honor Flights bringing in WWII, Korean War, and Vietnam War vets from other areas to tour DC area veterans memorials are meaningful to the and we gather at them to give special greeting to all USMC vets who arrived. These pictures show the action, as we are joined by some 8th and I Marines to make it extra special.
Honor Guard Delivers MCL Funeral Service for Corpsman
Willie was a Corpsman with Marines in Vietnam, treating over 30 Marines on the battlefield. When we met him he was having rough times, having lost a leg and having a hard time adjusting to it. One of our own, Chuck Lewis, got Willie in touch with a prosthetics specialist, and that helped a lot. Members of the detachment, over a two year period, took Willie on a weekly grocery run. Willie loved to gamble, Eddie Johnston even taking him on a couple of trips to Charles Town. Willie also loved pot, and Frank helped him work through the difficulty he had with the law regarding that. Rita Sartori and Joe Newcomer offered periodic police duty in his apartment, and when Tom Grant, the Loudoun County Veterans Service Coordinator, was able to get him better housing, the detachment moved him into the new one and as part of that vacated the old…which included a number of truckloads of junk taken to the landfill.
Willie died recently with no family and with only one good friend to care about his passing. We could not let him go without a proper burial. Tom Grant made arrangements for cremation and related burial details and Rita coordinated our involvement with the national cemetery and the funeral director. Rita even visited Willie’s orphaned cat at the shelter (fortunately adopted recently).
On 16 March 2023 five of us drove down to Culpeper with Willie’s friend to deliver the funeral service. Sr. Vice Commandant Rich Klein read the Commandant’s part of the MCL funeral service and our Chaplain, Eddie Johnston, performed his chaplain duties in the ceremony. Rich presented the flag to Eddie’s good friend, and Rita played a recorded Taps. With that Willie was officially sent on his way, with a Marine Corps challenge coin to help pave his way through the Pearly Gates.
It was only fitting that Marines were the to support a Corpsman who had saved so many Marines in combat.
Semper Fidelis, Willie…Semper Fidelis
Willie died recently with no family and with only one good friend to care about his passing. We could not let him go without a proper burial. Tom Grant made arrangements for cremation and related burial details and Rita coordinated our involvement with the national cemetery and the funeral director. Rita even visited Willie’s orphaned cat at the shelter (fortunately adopted recently).
On 16 March 2023 five of us drove down to Culpeper with Willie’s friend to deliver the funeral service. Sr. Vice Commandant Rich Klein read the Commandant’s part of the MCL funeral service and our Chaplain, Eddie Johnston, performed his chaplain duties in the ceremony. Rich presented the flag to Eddie’s good friend, and Rita played a recorded Taps. With that Willie was officially sent on his way, with a Marine Corps challenge coin to help pave his way through the Pearly Gates.
It was only fitting that Marines were the to support a Corpsman who had saved so many Marines in combat.
Semper Fidelis, Willie…Semper Fidelis
Here's how Veterans Help Veterans
From 27 Jan 2023 Loudoun Now newspaper:
Loudoun's Veterans Network Gets New Wheels for Navy Widow
It started when Frank Holtz, of Marine Corps League Detachment 1205, got a call from a former neighbor offering to donate a vehicle to a veteran who needed one.
The owner had looked into donating the car to a charity, but found most sell them and use the money. The vehicle was in good condition and he thought it could be put to better use.
Holtz contacted the VFW in Leesburg and the American Legion Post in Purcellville, but neither could identify a good candidate for the donation.
Next, he reached out to Loudoun County’s Veterans Services Officer Tom Grant. Grant told him about Curiva Robinson, the wife of a disabled Navy veteran who died a year and a half ago. Last October, Robinson’s car engine blew up. She couldn't afford to have it fixed or to buy another car. She has been renting a vehicle since November.
Holtz worked with Doug Dillon, from Purcellville’s American Legion Post 293, to have the vehicle ownership transferred to the legion and then donated to Robinson. Russ Bolen, from H & H Used Cars in Purcellville, helped steer the group through the required titling paperwork. And after a couple of trips to the DMV Select office in Berryville, Dillion secured title, registration, and license plates for Robinson, with the legion covering those costs.
Road Runner Towing delivered the Ford Taurus to Robinson at her Sterling home Tuesday, with Holtz and Dillion there to hand over the keys.
Loudoun's Veterans Network Gets New Wheels for Navy Widow
It started when Frank Holtz, of Marine Corps League Detachment 1205, got a call from a former neighbor offering to donate a vehicle to a veteran who needed one.
The owner had looked into donating the car to a charity, but found most sell them and use the money. The vehicle was in good condition and he thought it could be put to better use.
Holtz contacted the VFW in Leesburg and the American Legion Post in Purcellville, but neither could identify a good candidate for the donation.
Next, he reached out to Loudoun County’s Veterans Services Officer Tom Grant. Grant told him about Curiva Robinson, the wife of a disabled Navy veteran who died a year and a half ago. Last October, Robinson’s car engine blew up. She couldn't afford to have it fixed or to buy another car. She has been renting a vehicle since November.
Holtz worked with Doug Dillon, from Purcellville’s American Legion Post 293, to have the vehicle ownership transferred to the legion and then donated to Robinson. Russ Bolen, from H & H Used Cars in Purcellville, helped steer the group through the required titling paperwork. And after a couple of trips to the DMV Select office in Berryville, Dillion secured title, registration, and license plates for Robinson, with the legion covering those costs.
Road Runner Towing delivered the Ford Taurus to Robinson at her Sterling home Tuesday, with Holtz and Dillion there to hand over the keys.
Installation of New Commandant Trish Manghelli and Change of Command Ceremony
Detachment picnic
Detachment member Frank Holtz salutes America's 9/11 Ride into Leesburg
Members in further service to the Corps
Five detachment members are docents at the National Museum of the Marine Corps: Trish Manghelli; Richard Klein; Stirling Rasmussen; Richard Oakley; Steve Hildner.
2022 Memorial Day Activities
Detachment members participated in Memorial Day ceremonies in Lovettsville and Leesburg.
The Detachment Receives a Generous Donation
C2 Operations presented a $10.000 donation to the Loudoun Marine Corps League in support of its annual Toys for Tots gift campaign and the 247th Birthday Ball planned Nov. 12.
The exterior building improvement company was founded by Marine Corps veteran Chris Cicotello. He presented the check to Toys for Tots coordinator Frank Holtz.
The exterior building improvement company was founded by Marine Corps veteran Chris Cicotello. He presented the check to Toys for Tots coordinator Frank Holtz.
2021 Toys for Tots Activities
We participated in fund raisers, purchased toys for distribution by social service organizations to families. Over 7,500 Loudoun County children received Toys for Tots toys this campaign season.
We participated in fund raisers, purchased toys for distribution by social service organizations to families. Over 7,500 Loudoun County children received Toys for Tots toys this campaign season.
2021 Veterans Day Activities
Our members supported two events. One was the Lovettsville Veterans Day ceremony, with our Chaplain, Eddie Johnston, presenting the Veterans Day message and Junior Vice Commandant Corey Lewis laying the wreath. The second event was the John C. Marshall International Center's Veterans Day Celebration, with member Michael Gauvreau singing the National Anthem and God Bless America.
2021 Marine Corps Birthday
Pics from two Birthday Events, one at Black Hoof Brewing Company, the other at Spanky's Shenanigans
2021 Kiwanis Leesburg Halloween Parade
The Halloween Parade is always part of our Toys for Tots kickoff. This year we had a three vehicle 'convoy', Eddie Johnston as our Santa Clause, and two vehicular casualties as the Mustang stalled out and the TR3 bailed as the electrical system had a melt-down. Other than that it was a lot of fun.
Frank Holtz Welcoming the 9/11 Foundation's Ride to Leesburg
The America's 9/11 Foundation's ride starts in Shanksville, PA, and passes throuugh Leesburg on its way to the Pentagon and then on up to New York City in its annual commemorative ride. Each year Frank holds his salute for the nine minutes it takes for the ride to pass his position at the entrance to Leesburg.
Photos by Renss Greene, LoudounNow newspaper
Annual Picnic
Memorial Day Weekend 2021
On the 31st we covered two events. We were the color guard for the Leesburg Memorial Day Ceremonies, and we laid a wreath at the Memorial Day event in Lovettsville.
On the 29th we teamed with the American Legion in three activities: a Memorial Day recognition and remembrance to the parents of Captain Michael Quin; a morning sendoff to the last stage of the Ruck to Remember's movement down the W&OD Trail to D.C.; flag grave decoration in Leesburg. We also initiated flag decoration in two burial grounds in Lincoln, and are planning with American Legion Post 293 to extend that to more of Western Loudoun's cemeteries next year.
Captain Michael Quin died several years ago in a helicopter accident. In his home town of Purcellville is a memorial plaque at which we held a rememberance ceremony for him with his parents. It was a quiet commuunity event, as these pictures will show. Thanks to member Clayton Gehring for the great photo work.
Presentation of Distinguished Service Award to Past-Commandant Harry Burkart
The Detachment combined with American Legion Post 293 to render funeral honors to joint member Robert Ritchie.
Good Citizenship Award given to new Eagle Scoute Jack Gray
Our Members in Action on Veterans Day at George C. Marshall International Center
Memorial Guard
A Marine friend of one of our members passed, and his family asked if we could provide an honor guard. Of course we could, not just an honor guard, but also a speaker, and a bugler to play taps. So Frank Holtz, Joe Newcomer, Ralph Horan, Vince Marino, and Rich Klein represented the detachment.
Photos by Joe Newcomer.
Photos by Joe Newcomer.
Purcellville Library Display
Every November we set up a display in the lobby of the Purcellville library that runs for the whole month. This is the 2020 version
2020 Kiwanis Leesburg Halloween Parade
Just a bit (like a lot) different this year. No traditional parade down the main street of town. This year a short procession that spent six hours of the day winding through the residential areas of Leesburg, with our color guard in the place of honor showing the colors through the sun roof of a Subaru. But the colors were shown!
2020 Marshall House Independence Day Ceremony Honor Guard
Detachment Member Horace "Mutt" Lassiter's Funeral and Celebration of Life
Montford Point Marine, Korean War combat veteran, long-time detachment member
2020 Memorial Day
Each year the American Legion organizes a flag planting at Leesburg's Union Cemetery. There, volunteers branch out amongst the tomb stones looking for veterans to honor with a flag. Members of the detachemnt joined the activity...lots of walking, lots of searching.
2020 Mother's Day
2019---New Members Added...Welcome Brothers
2019 Detachment Picnic -- it was a very hot day so we're mostly inside
Frank Holtz' Salute to the 911 Riders
Color Guard at B-Chord Brewery's Benefit for Boulder Crest Retreat
(this and following parade photos over the years show our Color Guard before we upped our game to the MCL Undress uniform approved for color guards)
2019 Officers Sworn In

The officers for 2019 were sworn in at our January meeting:
Stirling Rasmussen Commandant
Harry Burkart Sr. Vice Commandant
Thomas Quigley Jr. Vice Commandant
Chuck Lewis Paymaster
Steve Hildner Adjutant
Thomas Dougherty Judge Advocate
Eddie Johnson Chaplain
Bob Ritchie Sergeant at Arms
Ron Clark Detachment Service Officer (Veterans Liaison)
Adam Porter Community Events Coordinartor
Joeseph Newcomer Marine for Life Liaison
Stirling Rasmussen Commandant
Harry Burkart Sr. Vice Commandant
Thomas Quigley Jr. Vice Commandant
Chuck Lewis Paymaster
Steve Hildner Adjutant
Thomas Dougherty Judge Advocate
Eddie Johnson Chaplain
Bob Ritchie Sergeant at Arms
Ron Clark Detachment Service Officer (Veterans Liaison)
Adam Porter Community Events Coordinartor
Joeseph Newcomer Marine for Life Liaison
Black Hoof Brewing Company Birthday Celebration
For the second year, Bill and Nikki Haase, owners of the Black Hoof Brewing Company in Leesburg, hold a Birthday celebration in the tap room. Not only is the cake and the company of Marines good, but the beer is on the house for Marines. Bravo Zulu, Bill.
To learn about the brewery, click right here.
To learn about the brewery, click right here.
2018 Leesburg Kiwanis Halloween Parade
2018 Loudoun Salute to Military, Veterans and Families
Detachment Member Shows Volunteer Opportunity
Herb Vale recently volunteered to assist the USO Lounge at Washington-Dulles International Airport to help five USMC wounded warriors transit through the airport to their departure gate. This is a local volunteer opportunity that other detachment members could help with. Bravo Zulu Herb.
Loudoun County Board of Supervisors Community Service Recognition of Toys for Tots
Black Hoof Brewing Company Cake Cutting--10 November 2017
2017 Leesburg Kiwanis Halloween Parade
2017 Detachment Picnic
Last Request Fulfilled
A Facebook request from the daughter of a dying Marine to have a picture of her father taken at the Vietnam Memorial Wall arrived. He was a Vietnam era Marine whose health precluded his ability to travel there himself, so his daughter wanted to show him that his picture had and that Marines still had his back. Detachment member Kerry D. Kirk was determined to fulfill that request, and did so immediately. His timing was on target, for the Marine's daughter received the pictures below the day before her father passed on to guard duty at Heaven's Scenes. Kerry's act is a living example of Semper Fidelis. Bravo Zulu, Kerry.
2017 Purcellville 4th of July Parade

Detachment Coordinators Win Marine Corps Toys for Tots Foundation Award
The results are in! After completing internal audits and sorting through the 782 sites participating in the 2015 Toys for Tots Campaign, the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation has selected the national and regional campaigns and coordinators of the year, and the Region 2 winner is the Loudoun Marines LCO, under direction of Coordinator Frank Holtz and Co-Coordinator Rita Sartori. Bravo Zulu. You do us proud.
The results are in! After completing internal audits and sorting through the 782 sites participating in the 2015 Toys for Tots Campaign, the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation has selected the national and regional campaigns and coordinators of the year, and the Region 2 winner is the Loudoun Marines LCO, under direction of Coordinator Frank Holtz and Co-Coordinator Rita Sartori. Bravo Zulu. You do us proud.
New Members and Distinguished Service Awards
At the April meeting a new Associate Member, Richard Oakley was sworn in, past commandant Bill Kelner was recognized and Associate Member Rita Sartori was given the Distinguished Service Award for her absolutely essential work on Toys for Tots and the annual Marine Corps Ball. At the May meeting two new members, Wesley McCaskill and Joel Beavin, were sworn in and Associate Member Michael Gauvreau was recognized with a Distinguished Service Award for the fine work he does in supporting both the annual Marine Corps Birthday Ball and Toys for Tots. |
Purcellville Independence Day Parade
The Detachment made its presence known at the Purcellville 4th of July Parade by having our color guard lead a red pickup with Detachment banners on the side through the two mile parade route. Lots of applause, thanks you cries and Semper Fi called out from the crowd, answered by oohrahs from the color guard. |
Marine Museum Trip
On 30 December the Detachment rented a bus and 20 of us and some of our families spent the day at the Mational Museum of The Marine Corps. Fortunately we have our own museum docent, Senior Vice Commandant Stirling Rasmussen, who gave us a hour-long overview tour. We foolwed this with lunch on the seond deck at Tun Tavern, and then we spread out to see those areas of most interested to the individual members. |

Fund Raising Poker Run
Detachment members Frank Holtz and Rita Sartori organized and ran a poker run to raise money to support our many volunteers in the upcoming Toys for Tots campaign, for which they are co-chairs.
Bravo Zulu, Frank and Rita.
Detachment members Frank Holtz and Rita Sartori organized and ran a poker run to raise money to support our many volunteers in the upcoming Toys for Tots campaign, for which they are co-chairs.
Bravo Zulu, Frank and Rita.

Detachment Supports Loudoun Salute to Veterans
Loudoun County and the Ashburn American Legion sponsor an annual one day program of veterans support. The Detachment provided the event's honor guard and manned an information table.
Pictured are detachment members Stirling Rasmussen, Dave Austin, Sven Johnson and Harry Burkart.
Loudoun County and the Ashburn American Legion sponsor an annual one day program of veterans support. The Detachment provided the event's honor guard and manned an information table.
Pictured are detachment members Stirling Rasmussen, Dave Austin, Sven Johnson and Harry Burkart.
2015 Detachment Picnic
Leesburg Memorial Day Ceremony
Detachment members Sven Johnson, Frank Holtz and Stirling Rasmussen placed a wreath at the courthouse WW II/Korean War Monument as part of the Memorial Day Ceremony that is organized each year by the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Photos by detachment member Rita Sartori. |

Round Hill Days Parade
Marine and National colors led the town's parade on this town celebration that featured a salute to veterans.
Detachment members Sven Johnson and Stirling Rasmussen provided the parade's color guard.
Marine and National colors led the town's parade on this town celebration that featured a salute to veterans.
Detachment members Sven Johnson and Stirling Rasmussen provided the parade's color guard.

2015 Officers Sworn In
Judge Advocate Jack Powers, Commandant Harold Burkart, Jr. Vice Commandant Fred Wright, Adjutant/Paymaster Chuck Lewis, Sr. Vice Commandant Stirling Rasmussen, Sergeant at Arms Bob Ritchie being sworn in by Chaplain and Past Commandant.Bill Kellner.
The Chaplain was then sworn in by the Commandant.
Judge Advocate Jack Powers, Commandant Harold Burkart, Jr. Vice Commandant Fred Wright, Adjutant/Paymaster Chuck Lewis, Sr. Vice Commandant Stirling Rasmussen, Sergeant at Arms Bob Ritchie being sworn in by Chaplain and Past Commandant.Bill Kellner.
The Chaplain was then sworn in by the Commandant.

Former Sr. Vice Commandant Sven Johnson, Sr. Vice Commandant Rasmussen and Toys for Tots Coordiantor Holtz recently had the opportunity to work with Loudoun youth.
Johnson led a flag burning ceremony for the Round Hill scout troop on 3 October.
Rasmussen met with a Loudoun County Casa Program group of grade schoolers to talk about the Marine Corps. Appropriately, this was on 10 November.
Holtz met with Cub Scout Pack 998 on 14 November to talk with them about leadership.
Former Sr. Vice Commandant Sven Johnson, Sr. Vice Commandant Rasmussen and Toys for Tots Coordiantor Holtz recently had the opportunity to work with Loudoun youth.
Johnson led a flag burning ceremony for the Round Hill scout troop on 3 October.
Rasmussen met with a Loudoun County Casa Program group of grade schoolers to talk about the Marine Corps. Appropriately, this was on 10 November.
Holtz met with Cub Scout Pack 998 on 14 November to talk with them about leadership.
In recognition of Veterans Day, the Martinsburg VA Medical Center (VAMC) held a day full of activities for Veterans, family, staff, friends and the community on Saturday, November 8, 2014. Detachment member Ron Clark was a speaker at that event. |
Once again the Detachment headed up the annual parade through downtown Leesburg with an honor guard and three vehicles. It was clear to all that the Marines had landed. |
This year's library display features a reproduction Marine 1812 uniform, loaned by the National Museum of the Marine Corps, and much Marine history literature. |
The detachment covered two events on 27 September. Frank, Rita and Fred staffed the Detachment recruiting booth at the Leesburg Air Show and left with a healthy list of Marines who are interested in membership, the Birthday Ball and/or helping with Toys for Tots. Larry, Dave, Harry and Sven provided the color guard and manned a booth at the American Legion's first Loudoun County Salute to Veterans event. |
A BOUNTIFUL HARVEST OF MARINE CORPS REGALIA FOR A LOCAL MANWhen Minnesota's North Star Detachment 943 contacted Loudoun Marine's Commandant Harry Burkart about a Downs Syndrome resident of Loudoun County who loves the Corps, asking that we present to him a number of Marine Corps items they had collected for him, Harry moved into action. Our Loudoun detachment sweetened the pot by providing an additional trove of items and then met with the family to present to Tony Danner the USMC memorabilia on behalf of both the Detachments.
As the annual 9/11 Ride rumbled into Leesburg on 15 August they were saluted by the Loudoun Marine Corps League Detachment 1205's member Frank Holtz. Our former Gunny held that salute for the 15 or 20 minute passing of the cycles. Bravo Zulu Gunny. |

Detachment member Reverend/Chaplain Danny Garcia is currently at Mexico walking and praying for Sgt. Tahmooressi who is in prison and for the people of Mexico and the United States. MORE (from the Loudoun Times Mirror)
Detachment Color Guard and Toys for Tots promotion at Leesburg, Virginia's 2014 Independence Day Parade
American Legion Flag Day Ceremony
Every year the detachment provides the color guard for the American Legion's Flag Day Ceremony in Purcellville. This year Harry Burkart, Dave Austin and Sven Johnson carried the colors. |
Detachment Busy on Memorial Day Weekend
Detachment members provided the color guard at the Round Hill Days Memorial Day Celebration, were involved in supporting a Wounded Walk fund raiser, presented a wreath at the WW II monument at the Leesburg, VA, Memorial Day ceremony, and presented the colors at the Ringing In Hope fund raiser for the Wounded Warrior Project. |
New Officers Sworn In
Department of Virginia Commandant Roy D. Smith, Jr., swore in the 2014 officers of the detachment on 20 January 2014. |
New Associate Member Rita Sartori Sworn In
Rita is our Toys for Tots co-coordinator, and having her officially part of the detachment is a win for all of us. She and her husband, Frank Holtz, ran a very successful Toys for Tots campaign this season. — at American Legion Post 293. |

Detachment Member Horace Lassiter featured in Leesburg Today article:
" Last week, the Leesburg Town Council gave a special recognition to Lassiter, owner of Robinson’s Barber Shop in downtown Leesburg, for his decades of service to the country and community.
Mayor Kristen Umstattd called Lassiter the embodiment of tolerance and nobility. “It has always seemed miraculous to me that he has been so gracious toward those of us who, being white, will never understand the depth of the prejudice that he faced on a daily basis.”
Lassiter was born in Purcellville in 1935, where he still lives with his wife Mattie Lassiter, and is father to two children from a previous marriage.
In the early ’50s, Lassiter was drafted by the Pittsburgh Pirates. Before he could take the mound, however, Uncle Sam pulled his ticket and Lassiter spent the next seven years serving in the U.S. Marine Corps, including a tour in the Koran War...." More
" Last week, the Leesburg Town Council gave a special recognition to Lassiter, owner of Robinson’s Barber Shop in downtown Leesburg, for his decades of service to the country and community.
Mayor Kristen Umstattd called Lassiter the embodiment of tolerance and nobility. “It has always seemed miraculous to me that he has been so gracious toward those of us who, being white, will never understand the depth of the prejudice that he faced on a daily basis.”
Lassiter was born in Purcellville in 1935, where he still lives with his wife Mattie Lassiter, and is father to two children from a previous marriage.
In the early ’50s, Lassiter was drafted by the Pittsburgh Pirates. Before he could take the mound, however, Uncle Sam pulled his ticket and Lassiter spent the next seven years serving in the U.S. Marine Corps, including a tour in the Koran War...." More